City of Milton issued the following announcement on July 16.
Two requests related to the Painted Horse Winery and developing a plan for naturally managing the former Milton Country Club's passive area are the among the items on the Milton City Council agenda for Monday night.
The farm winery has been a topic of significant discussion at multiple City meetings, including a Council session in June. On July 19, Council members will consider the applicant's requests for a two-part variance and rural event facility use permit.
Monday's meeting begins at 6 p.m. in City Hall's Council Chambers. People can attend in person or watch live on the City's YouTube page, The "live stream" video should be featured prominently on that page, and it can be later accessed through the "City Council" playlist. People are encouraged to subscribe to the City's YouTube channel for the latest public meeting videos, as well as other pieces showcasing important events, individuals and messages from around Milton.
As is customary, the meeting consists of distinct sections - each with their own parameters. They are:
- The CONSENT AGENDA for typically non-contentious items involving relatively little public money that are voted upon together - usually unanimously and positively - in a single up-and-down vote without any discussion;
- The ZONING AGENDA for matters pertaining to zoning in Milton and including City presentations, active discussions and ultimately votes;
- UNFINISHED BUSINESS for items that have appeared on previous Council agendas (generally under "First Presentation") that can be presented, debated and voted upon definitively; and
- NEW BUSINESS for items appearing on a Council agenda for the first time that can be presented, discussed and voted upon conclusively at the meeting.
Below are summaries of each item on Monday's agenda.
- Approval of the June 7, 2021, City Council Meeting Minutes.
The Council will vote whether or not to approve the "minutes," or official written record, of its June 7 meeting. Members that night voted to accept the proposed withdrawal of one of the Painted Horse farm winery's permit requests while deferring two others. Members of the Milton Police Chief's Advisory Board - a diverse group of citizen volunteers who have shared their experiences, viewpoints and expertise with Chief Rich Austin - were also honored. Video of this meeting can be found here: And you can read a recap of that night by clicking here:
- Approval of the June 21, 2021, City Council Meeting Minutes.
The Council will also vote on the "minutes" for its June 21 meeting, which was highlighted by recognition of two Milton High students who helped bring a glass recycling option to Milton. The meeting also featured a status report on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and a vote to institute a 120-day moratorium on farm winery alcohol, building permit and land disturbance permit applications. You can read a recap of the meeting by clicking here: And you can watch it here:
- Approval of the Financial Statements and Investment Report for Period 8 -May 2021.
The Council will vote on the City of Milton government's financial statements and investment report from May.
- Approval of Amendment #1 to the Services Agreement between the City of Milton and Meritage Systems, Inc. to Revise the Terms and Conditions.
This item relates to the permitting software used by the City of Milton's Community Development Department. The City's initial agreement with Meritage, signed in 2014, was tied to the City's contract with SAFEbuilt, an outsourced firm that provided Milton's building inspection and plan review services. This amendment reflects the fact that the City is now handling building inspections in-house through municipal employees, so its relationship with Meritage will change accordingly.
- Approval of a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Milton and MCCi, LLC for Scanning Services.
The City of Milton previously contracted with MCCi to scan in agreements, plats and other official records as part of efforts to make City documents accessible electronically. More documents needed to be processed than originally estimated, and this professional services agreement - if approved - would allow MCCi to scan the remainder of the archived records.
- Approval of Subdivision Plats and Revisions.
An applicant is requesting to divide three existing parcels along Longstreet Road in northeastern Milton into six separate tracts. The purpose of this proposed plat revision would be to create six lots ranging from 3.05 to 3.70 acres apiece.
- Consideration of U21-01/VC21-03 - 2105 Bethany Way (containing multiple parcels) for a total of 18.07 acres by The PFAJ Revocable Trust dated 2/17/2019 to request a Use Permit for "Agricultural Related Activities", Sec. 64-1797 and a two-part concurrent variance:
1) To allow the existing parking areas, wood pavilion, horse arenas, and driveways within the 100-foot activity setback (Sec. 64-1797(d))
2) To allow the structures housing animals to be located within 100 feet of a property line (Sec. 64-1797(e))
These items and the one to follow are associated with 2105 Bethany Way, though they actually involve several parcels totaling over 18 acres under the same ownership operating as Painted Horse Winery and the Farm at Pamelot. This two-part concurrent variance request originally appeared on the May 24 Council agenda and later on June 7, at which time it was deferred. The applicant is asking for a variance to allow parking areas, a wood pavilion, horse arenas and driveways to fall within the 100-foot activity setback. They're also requesting a barn (housing animals) be permitted to be within 100 feet of a property line.
- Consideration of U21-02 - 2105 Bethany Way (containing multiple parcels) for a Total of 18.07 Acres by The PFAJ Revocable Trust Dated 2/17/2019 to Request a Use Permit for Rural Event Facility, Sec. 64-1842.
This item has also appeared on past Council agendas. Originally, the applicant had requested three use permits - one for "agricultural-related activities," another for "festivals and events," and a third to be considered a "rural event facility." The Mayor and City Council withdrew the festivals and events use permit requests at the June 7th meeting. The applicant is requesting this "rural event facility" permit to allow events like weddings, corporate team-building and/or holiday parties; yoga and other exercise classes; or book clubs -- in other words, events not related explicitly to agricultural, equestrian or farm winery uses. Such events could only take place up to 10 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday and 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday, with a maximum of 100 attendees and mandate of one off-duty police officer per people. Alcohol could be served up to 15 minutes before closing time, and live music couldn't last past 10 p.m. or maximum continuous sound levels of 60 dBA and a maximum peak sound level of 75 dBA at property lines.
- Consideration of an Ordinance of the City Council to Authorize Fulton County to Conduct the 2021 Election.
The Fulton County government historically has conducted municipal elections in its cities, including Milton. The ordinance, if approved, would formally authorize the County to do so again for Milton's next municipal election on November 2, 2021.
- Consideration of a Resolution Reappointing Members to the City of Milton Greenspace Advisory Committee.
The Milton Greenspace Advisory Committee consists of citizen volunteers who guide municipal leaders on how and where to allocate the $25 million bond approved by voters for City-owned greenspaces. Its members are selected by elected officials. This resolution, if approved, would reappoint several of the committee's members to new four-year terms.
- Consideration of an Agreement between the City of Milton and Southern Conservation Trust, Inc. for a Land Management Implementation Plan for the Former Milton Country Club.
The Southern Conservation Trust is a non-profit group "dedicated to elevating nature through exceptional stewardship throughout Georgia and the Southeast." Their experts work in communities around the region to protect wildlife habitats, landscapes, forests and other vital natural environs. If this agreement is approved, the Southern Conservation Trust would develop a "Land Management Implementation Plan" for the 130-acre passive portion of the City's former Milton Country Club property.
Original source can be found here.